Monday, December 24, 2007

Update finally!

First off, let me apologize for not updating my blog. November was a tough month and as for December I have no excuses whatsoever!
Radiation ended for me on December 6th and since then it has all been about waiting, waiting for the swelling to go down from the radiation and whatever other side effects to return to normal so a PetScan can be performed sometime in mid January to see if the cancer ha been eradicated.
I'm still battling thrush in my mouth and still am unable to take any food or liquid by mouth so all nutrition is being administered through the feeding tube. The trach is still in place as well and constant congestion in that makes for sleepless nights at times.
Other than that all is well and I'd like to wish all my relatives, friends and co-workers and a very
Blesses Christmas Season with wishes for Health and Happiness in 2008!
God Bless all of you!