Saturday, August 30, 2008

PetScan Follow-up

Well, this past Monday I went for my quarterly PetScan, and all went well as this is usually a routine procedure. My blood sugar tested normal, it has to be in order for the injection they give you to do it's job and I was there for about an hour and a hlf.
On Friday, I had a follow-up to the PetScan with my Arizona Oncologist Dr. Kukunoor. Dr. Kukunoor said that the PetScan was an overall good report with no signs of any activity in the neck and throat area, however there was concern over an area of illumination in my right armpit area. This was seen in the last PetScan but was deemed insignificant at that time, due to its minimal size. The most recent PetScan now showed this illumination to have more than doubled in size and also changed its shape which concerned Dr. Kukunoor. A physical examination of the area also revealed a firmness in the tissue that was not consistent with that on my left side. Dr. Kukunoor told me that the illumination is measured by what he called an SUV (I can't remember what it stands for) but that it went from a 2.9 reading to a now current 7.0. Dr. Kukunoor said he wanted to have the tissue biopsied to determine for sure what it is. He set me up with a surgeon, Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, with whom I will meet this coming Thursday Sept 4th for a consultation to explain my options and answer any questions I might have. Then a date will be set for the biopsy. Dr. Kukunoor, as is his usual protocol, wants this done very quickly, and he set up a tentative follow-up appointment to see me on September 29, which could get moved up depending on the test results from the pathologist on the biopsy. Be sure and stay tuned!
I also discussed with Dr. Kukunoor my recent degradation in my ability to swallow, both solids and liquids. Over the past month to a month and a half I have had a steady decline in the ease in which I am able to swallow with most food getting caught at the top of my esophagus and my having to cough it back up in order to get it down. I knew it was a problem last month when I was back home and my Dad, a notorious slow eater was finishing his meals before me! That was telltale sign for sure! Dr. Kukunoor said the swelling could be occuring due to the radiation, to which I was somewhat puzzeled, being that radiation eneded over eight months ago. Dr. Kukunoor assured me this was not unusual, and he again placed an order for me to see a gastroenterologist, so that I can have my esophagus examined to determine if in fact it is closing up. If that is the case then a procedure that Dr. Straka had talked to me about months ago would probably take place. This would involve the insertion of an expandable donut being inserted into the esophagus and expanding the donut to stretch out the scar tissue to open up the passageway. I will probably be contacted early next week by the Gastroenterologist to schedule an appointment.
So things are still not all settled and the upcoming weeks should be interesting to say the least. I will contiue to post updates as I receive results.

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